
Problems and Proposed Solutions


  • Children looking at the camera
  • Not getting enough footage to fill the video, such as over the interviews and to hide jump cuts
  • Limited time at the school
  • No location to film
  • Not getting participant release forms in time
Proposed solutions
  • In the post-production process, use shots that don't include this, or make sure if it is a problem in the video, that it's minimal and hopefully not noticeable 
  • Go back and film on a separate day to get general views of the classrooms, teachers in their lessons, various locations around the school
  • Use my time wisely, go back on more days to film and get interviews if necessary, make sure I'm fully prepared to film when I am there so I don't waste time setting up and figuring out a plan for the day
  • Find a quiet place that's not being used, for example a hall or a library
  • Sort out with client to make sure they are filled out, and make sure all releases are in place before the video goes on their website

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