
Content and Audience Research

  • Parents of children currently attending the school
  • Parents of potential students 
  • Aimed towards people aged between 20 and 40
  • Located in the Norwich/Eaton area
  • Interested in social media
  • Interested in taking part and improving on their child's education
  • Any religious background
  • Social grade brackets of C1 to E
  • Any parent looking to send their child(ren) to Eaton Primary School

For content research, I studied a few different videos that were centred around schools and education. I found out what kind of techniques they used to convey the information about their schools, for example student testimonials and showing the interactions between the students and the teachers.

The main message of the video that I will be producing is to showcase the challenge approach that Eaton Primary School are now employing. The content I use will reflect that in such a way that I want it to be informative and easy to understand. I have used the children to conduct the interviews so it's simple to follow and it shows that they are enthusiastic and upbeat about their education. This is appropriate for the audience, as the parents would be thrilled to know that the school takes their child's best interest to heart and helps them to enjoy their learning. 

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