
Filming Day 1 - 27/02/15

My first day of filming was on the 26th of February at Eaton Primary School, and we encountered a few hiccups. I arrived at 10.30 and met with the head teacher of the school. We discovered that the space that we were planning to film in was taken up by their book fair, consisting of 3 large trollies full of books. This would be a problem because a lot of the children were interested in looking at and buying the books and there would most likely be a lot of traffic through the area, therefore creating a lot of background noise.

Before we could get down to filming, we had to move the trollies out into a different place in the school which took us around 15 minutes. Afterwards, I had to set up my filming equipment and find a suitable background for the footage. We then walked around the school and asked some of the teachers and students whether they would be willing to join in with the filming. I ended up being escorted around with a different teacher as the head teacher had to leave due to a family emergency.

We successfully filmed 14-16 students, from a few different year groups. I made a technical error when I first started filming as I forgot to turn the microphone on, so we had to make some of the students redo their parts again.

Apart from a few mistakes, the filming went well and I am pleased with the quality of the footage that I was able to obtain.

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