
Feedback on Final Piece

 I asked for peer feedback on my final piece and here is what I recieved:

Complying With Regulatory Bodies

Broadcasting Code:

Protecting Under-Eighteens

The involvement of people under eighteen in programmes:
1.28 Due care must be taken over the physical and emotional welfare and the dignity of people under eighteen who take part or are otherwise involved in programmes. This is irrespective of any consent given by the participant or by a parent, guardian or other person over the age of eighteen in loco parentis.
1.29 People under eighteen must not be cause unnecessary distress or anxiety by their involvement in programmes or by the broadcast of those programmes.  

Harm and Offence

2.1 Generally accepted standards must be applied to the contents of television and radio services so as to provide adequate protection for members of the public from the inclusion in such services of harmful and/or offensive material.
2.2 Factual programmes or items or portrayals of factual matters must not materially mislead the audience.


7.1 Broadcasters must avoid unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or organisations in programmes.
7.2 Broadcasters and programme makers should normally be fair in their dealings with potential contributors to programmes unless, exceptionally, it is justified to do otherwise.
7.3 Where a person is invited to make a contribution to a programme (except when the subject matter is trivial or their participation is minor) they should normally, at an appropriate stage:
  • ·         Be told the nature and purpose of the programme, what the programme is about and be given a clear explanation of why they were asked to contribute and when (if known) and where it is likely to be broadcast
  • ·         Be told what kind of contribution they are expected to make, for example live, pre-recorded, interview, discussion, edited, unedited, etc
  • ·         Be informed about the areas of questioning and, wherever possible, the nature of other likely contributions
  • ·         Be given clear information, if offered an opportunity to preview the programme, about whether they will be able to effect any changes to it.

Taking these measures is likely to result in the consent that is given being ‘informed consent’.


8.9 The means of obtaining material must be proportionate in all the circumstances and in particular to the subject of the programme.
8.20 Broadcasters should pay particular attention to the privacy of people under sixteen. They do not lose their rights to privacy because, for example, of the fame or notoriety of their parents or because of events in their schools.
8.21 Where a programme features an individual under sixteen or a vulnerable person in a way that infringes privacy, consent must be obtained from:
  • ·         A parent, guardian or other person of eighteen or over in loco parentis; and
  • ·         Wherever possible, the individual concerned

Why are these relevant?
My video consists of mainly children who are under the age of 16, so they need to be protected, since the video will be public and will be able to be viewed by anyone who visits the Eaton Primary School website. Also, I want to make sure that the audience is not mislead about the challenge approach and that all information is portrayed in such a manner that it is easy to understand and does not give the wrong impression. Finally, I want to be fair to all of the contributors in the video, and I don't want to unfairly treat someone different to someone else, so as to not offend anyone and to make everyone as comfortable as possible during the making of the video.

Closing Statement and Evaluation

My time working with Eaton Primary School has been extremely enjoyable, and I would definitely like to work with them again. I feel I have managed the project quite well, and was able to keep myself organised during times when I thought I might not make a deadline. Meetings with my client were always very informative, and I felt like I knew a lot about the project and what they wanted, but I also had creative freedom to do what I felt was right. They were an extremely good client, and gave me all the help and everything I needed to work quickly and efficiently.

My client’s main aim was to portray their ‘challenge approach’, which is a system that allows the children to take control of their learning and choose something that will help them rather than hinder them in their work. Overall, I think I achieved this well as I chose to use the students and allowed them to explain in their own words what it was like to use the challenge approach, rather than just the teachers. I feel this project will have quite an impact on the school, as it will allow parents to feel more involved with their child’s learning, and it will show future students what kind of services they offer, as well as the hard working ethic that the school has.

Problems and Proposed Solutions


  • Children looking at the camera
  • Not getting enough footage to fill the video, such as over the interviews and to hide jump cuts
  • Limited time at the school
  • No location to film
  • Not getting participant release forms in time
Proposed solutions
  • In the post-production process, use shots that don't include this, or make sure if it is a problem in the video, that it's minimal and hopefully not noticeable 
  • Go back and film on a separate day to get general views of the classrooms, teachers in their lessons, various locations around the school
  • Use my time wisely, go back on more days to film and get interviews if necessary, make sure I'm fully prepared to film when I am there so I don't waste time setting up and figuring out a plan for the day
  • Find a quiet place that's not being used, for example a hall or a library
  • Sort out with client to make sure they are filled out, and make sure all releases are in place before the video goes on their website

Content and Audience Research

  • Parents of children currently attending the school
  • Parents of potential students 
  • Aimed towards people aged between 20 and 40
  • Located in the Norwich/Eaton area
  • Interested in social media
  • Interested in taking part and improving on their child's education
  • Any religious background
  • Social grade brackets of C1 to E
  • Any parent looking to send their child(ren) to Eaton Primary School

For content research, I studied a few different videos that were centred around schools and education. I found out what kind of techniques they used to convey the information about their schools, for example student testimonials and showing the interactions between the students and the teachers.

The main message of the video that I will be producing is to showcase the challenge approach that Eaton Primary School are now employing. The content I use will reflect that in such a way that I want it to be informative and easy to understand. I have used the children to conduct the interviews so it's simple to follow and it shows that they are enthusiastic and upbeat about their education. This is appropriate for the audience, as the parents would be thrilled to know that the school takes their child's best interest to heart and helps them to enjoy their learning. 

Client Feedback - First Edit

I sent my client my first edit of the video, and here was their response. This was contact via email. 

Call Sheet - Filming day 20/03/15


Peer Feedback From Screening

The rough cut of my video was shown on 16/03/15, along with everyone else's first edits of their videos. I feel this helped a lot, as I was able to get some feedback from my peers as well as my lecturers. Here are some of the things that they pointed out that I could improve on:

  • Sound bytes: some of the children repeated the same thing at the start of their clips, and these could have been removed to make a string of responses to the same question. 
  • Stability: some of the shots were shaky, for example chairs might have hit the tripod or I might have shuffled over the camera a bit during the shots. 
  • Audio glitches: there are some places where there are children shouting and you can hear footsteps or a crash in the background. 
  • Length: too long, some parts were unnecessary for the video, and some children stumbled over their words a little too much.

Filming Day 3 - 20/03/15

My third and final filming day was primarily unsupervised, as my contact at the school was busy teaching a class of her own. I was sent to various different classrooms to get the footage that I needed for my project. This filming day was last minute planning, and was after I had edited together the interviews I had gathered during the filming days before.

I think this filming day went the best, as I was able to freely move around the school and film people as and when I saw fit, and I wasn't restricted to one area of the school with the teachers. It allowed me to get as much footage as possible as general views and cover ups, and allowed me to really push the quality of my final piece to the highest that it could be. I arrived at the school at around 10:00 and finished up at around 13:00.

Distribution and Exhibition

I will be uploading my video onto either YouTube as an unlisted video, or onto TeacherTube so that people outside of the school can't access it unless they go onto the clients website.
The client will be uploading or embedding the video onto their website, so it will be available to anyone who visits.  Since the video is for a primary school, it would be inappropriate to distribute it in an alternative way, as we'd want to keep the children's identities safe.