
Closing Statement and Evaluation

My time working with Eaton Primary School has been extremely enjoyable, and I would definitely like to work with them again. I feel I have managed the project quite well, and was able to keep myself organised during times when I thought I might not make a deadline. Meetings with my client were always very informative, and I felt like I knew a lot about the project and what they wanted, but I also had creative freedom to do what I felt was right. They were an extremely good client, and gave me all the help and everything I needed to work quickly and efficiently.

My client’s main aim was to portray their ‘challenge approach’, which is a system that allows the children to take control of their learning and choose something that will help them rather than hinder them in their work. Overall, I think I achieved this well as I chose to use the students and allowed them to explain in their own words what it was like to use the challenge approach, rather than just the teachers. I feel this project will have quite an impact on the school, as it will allow parents to feel more involved with their child’s learning, and it will show future students what kind of services they offer, as well as the hard working ethic that the school has.

One of the problems I encountered was that it was my first time using the 5D camera, and I had some difficulties operating it and getting the most out of the camera the first filming day. This resulted in some blurry shots and some strange angles in the final video, but this isn’t so noticeable to the point where it ruins the feel of the video. Other than a few technical difficulties, I am quite proud of the way that my filming turned out, as well as the sound quality that I was able to achieve with the camera, as this was a worry of mine when filming.

I was able to overcome the minor problems I had with the camera in the editing stage, and was able to successfully even out the colouring differences, lighting differences and some blurry shots. My video’s final look was quite polished, and I am happy with the editing that I was able to do in this project. Aesthetically, the video is clean and I don’t feel there are any major problems with the look of it.

Concluding, I feel this project has been a success, and I have been able to manage myself as a production team efficiently, as well as coordinate the client where necessary. There aren’t many things that I would change about the way that I handled the project, and I am confident that I would be able to take on such a task again. 

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