
Peer Feedback From Screening

The rough cut of my video was shown on 16/03/15, along with everyone else's first edits of their videos. I feel this helped a lot, as I was able to get some feedback from my peers as well as my lecturers. Here are some of the things that they pointed out that I could improve on:

  • Sound bytes: some of the children repeated the same thing at the start of their clips, and these could have been removed to make a string of responses to the same question. 
  • Stability: some of the shots were shaky, for example chairs might have hit the tripod or I might have shuffled over the camera a bit during the shots. 
  • Audio glitches: there are some places where there are children shouting and you can hear footsteps or a crash in the background. 
  • Length: too long, some parts were unnecessary for the video, and some children stumbled over their words a little too much.

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