
Project Pitch Evaluation

My pitch was surrounding my project of making a promotional video for Eaton primary school, and I made a presentation about all the different aspects of my production. I talked about the genre, my general idea, my target audience, the visual style and how I’d distribute the video and get client feedback. I feel I presented my ideas quite well, but could have been more confident in my delivery. I was given a few suggestions on how I could improve my general idea for the video, such as show one student and the interactions they have with the teachers. It was also suggested that I think about framing and how I’d portray the students. Also, I should think about whether I’d want some background music on the piece, and from looking at the example video, what I could improve on. 
Overall, I am happy with my pitch and feel that my ideas were received well by the audience.

Plan for the next 2 weeks

1) Schedules
2) Fill out consent form
3) Research into client
4) Research 5D camera operation

Project Pitch

 Introduction slide

Explaining genre, and my understanding of what Corporate and Promotional Programming and Social Action and Community Media are.

Proposal for promotional video - outlining my ideas and message for the video

Outlining who my target audience are for the video


Project Proposal

Cloud Productions
Eaton Primary School

“We challenge ourselves.”

I will be producing a short promotional video which demonstrates the educational services that Eaton Primary School provides its students.

For this project, my main aim is to make a stylish, informative video about the education and services that Eaton Primary School offer to their students. The video will be around 5 or 6 minutes long and will feature both the students and the teachers. The product will be aimed at outlining what the children do on a day to day basis, and will bring to light the school’s unique way of what they call ‘challenging’ the students. It will include pieces from the current students and the teachers who work there, so as to show both sides of the learning process and the benefits that it provides.


Targets for 5th and 6th February

My targets for today and tomorrow are as follows:

  • Write project proposal
  • Make initial contact with client(s)
  • Research into client 
  • Research and develop ideas for project