
Equipment List

Things needed for each shoot:

- 5D Camera
- Tripod
- Sound kit (radio mic/5D mic)
- Notes on ideas for video
- Space for filming - using library at school as well as classrooms

No costumes or props are needed since we are performing interviews with the students as well as a fly on the wall style filming in the classrooms and on the outside grounds.

Annotated Edit Timeline Screenshots

Assembled all clips together and edited them to the right length. Added some effects to the video such as brightness and contrast and sharpening.

Examples of effects I added to the clips. I added these so that all of the clips would look the same, and none were over exposed.

Camera Rushes Screenshots

Clips of the interviews I did with the children. These are the contents of the 'Eaton Primary' bin as shown in the below picture.

Clips of extra things I filmed, along with the music that I planned to use and titles that I made in Photoshop.

Filming Day 2 - 06/03/15

I filmed again on the 6th of March, and arrived again at the same time of 10.30 am. This time, I was able to set up my equipment and get started much sooner, as the filming space wasn't being used and there was nothing in the way of quiet filming. I stayed in the filming space and one of the teachers went and collected groups of students from some of the different year groups.

Once we'd finished, I took some various shots of the school and I got the opportunity to capture the choir singing in practice for a school performance. Overall, the second filming day went down without a hitch as I knew securely what I was doing and was confident in setting up my equipment and talking to the children. 

Filming Day 1 - 27/02/15

My first day of filming was on the 26th of February at Eaton Primary School, and we encountered a few hiccups. I arrived at 10.30 and met with the head teacher of the school. We discovered that the space that we were planning to film in was taken up by their book fair, consisting of 3 large trollies full of books. This would be a problem because a lot of the children were interested in looking at and buying the books and there would most likely be a lot of traffic through the area, therefore creating a lot of background noise.

Before we could get down to filming, we had to move the trollies out into a different place in the school which took us around 15 minutes. Afterwards, I had to set up my filming equipment and find a suitable background for the footage. We then walked around the school and asked some of the teachers and students whether they would be willing to join in with the filming. I ended up being escorted around with a different teacher as the head teacher had to leave due to a family emergency.

We successfully filmed 14-16 students, from a few different year groups. I made a technical error when I first started filming as I forgot to turn the microphone on, so we had to make some of the students redo their parts again.

Apart from a few mistakes, the filming went well and I am pleased with the quality of the footage that I was able to obtain.

Contingency Plan

If my original idea doesn't play out, I have a back up idea of a skateboarding group called Mythic Skateboarding who are looking for promotion. I have already contacted them and asked them if they would be interested in a promotional video, and they have agreed to this. I will be able to call on them again if my original idea doesn't pan out, and I have already discussed some ideas with them.

Intended Audience

My intended audience is the parents of the children that currently attend the school, but also the parents of the potential students who are thinking of attending the school. The video is aimed at informing the parents and other schools of what Eaton Primary School's challenge approach is.

As it's aimed towards parents of younger children, my audience will consist mostly of people aged 20 to 40 years old, and of both genders. They'll be located in the catchment area for Eaton Primary School for example in Norwich and the surrounding areas. They'll be interested in using social media such as the primary school's website and other social media pages run by the school.

Hopefully, the audience will also be interested in their child's education, and will be actively looking for ways to improve it, such as new approaches like Eaton Primary School have adopted. Education status and religion of the audience aren't an issue, as the school caters for students of all backgrounds, and I am planning on including a range of students in my video.

Social class isn't an issue, but Eaton Primary School is a state school which offers free education to children between the ages of 4 and 11, so the parents would most likely be in the bracket of C1 to E: lower middle class to casual/lowest grade workers. Overall, mainly parents of all backgrounds and ages, who are looking to send their children to Eaton Primary School.

Meeting Log 1

I met with my client on Friday 13th of February, at around 10:30 am. We first discussed our ideas for what the video would look like style wise and what we would want in the video. After a brief discussion, we figured out the filming dates and when I would show them my first edit. When we'd finished, I was introduced to some of the students that I would be filming, and we asked them to think about what they could say about their challenge approach. The whole meeting took around 45 minutes, and I felt I had a much better understanding of the project once it was finished.